Extruded Plastic Seal Design

GPI, Sierra, GT Plastics, GPM

Design your seal right the first time

Learn the guidelines for designing extruded seals and weather stripping — from the perspective of an experienced extruder. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll send a link to your inbox immediately!


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Seal Design: Minimal Changes, Minimal Headaches.

You want to design your seal right the first time. Minimal changes, minimal headache. We’re right there with you. With over 7,000 extrusion profiles under our belt, we know a thing or two about extruded seal design. So we wrote this guide to give you a better understanding of what to consider in every step of the DFM and DFA process and answers questions like;

  • What does every good seal design have in common?
  • What are the constraints of the extrusion process?
  • What tolerances can be expected?
  • What are the cost-drivers?

We’re proud to present to you the cumulation of over 45 years of experience in extrusion. We’ve helped thousands of automotive engineers just like you with seal design – and this guide truly is the next best thing to working directly with our seals team. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in!